Gertrude Jekyll & Sir Edwin Lutyens
Jekyll,(1843-1932), Lutyens, (1869-1944)
Jekyll created over 400 gardens in the UK, Europe and America and her influence on garden design continues. A childhood in Bramley forged Jekyll’s love of Surrey, later moving to Godalming. Jekyll’s collaborations with Sir Edwin Lutyens are well known, designing gardens for many of his houses, including Orchards, her own home in Munstead.
Most of Lutyens Surrey life was spent in Shere, Thursley and Godalming before his remarkable career. Local designs include Red House at Frith,
Tilford Institute and Farnham Liberal Club, and of wider acclaim, The Cenotaph in London’s Whitehall, and New Delhi’s Viceroy’s House. Godalming Museum has Jekyll’s notebooks, drawings and photographs of Lutyens’ work.
Image courtesy of Surrey History Centre, image ref: CC1101/3/21/136